Sitio de citas para conocer a las mujeres solteras de Bielorrusia, Letonia, Moldavia, Rusia y Ucrania.
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Online Dating with Sexy Ukrainian Girl Tatiyana from Poltava, Ukraine
Matchmaking Service to Meet Oksana from Kiev, Ukraine
Dating Service to Meet Sexy Ukrainian Lady Mariya from Nikolaev, Ukraine
Dating Site to Meet Gorgeous Russian Woman Ilona from Moscow, Russia
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Meet Beautiful Ukrainian Girl Nadezhda from Krivoj Rog, Ukraine
Datingsite to Meet Sexy Belarusian Woman Yuliya from Grodno, Belarus
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Dear Agency, I decided to write you a letter from the wonderful Spain where I and my husband Kristobal are very happy together and send our photographs to your prestigious introduction service. As you know I wanted to find the man of my dreams. I received many letters from gentlemen of different countries. Then one day I received a letter that was simple but interesting and very special. It arrived in spring 2006. When I was reading the letter I was captured by it very much and, of course, I wrote back very quickly. He was a young man and only some years older than me who was shy and never married. He liked me very much in my photos but he was afraid about the future. You helped me very much that told him about me a little more. The days passed and finally, I received a letter from him again. It was friendly and sincere, and there were photos as well. I felt that he would be more than a friend. It was a day in early summer. When he wrote that he will come soon, I was very excited and it was one problem with the language. He did not know English well, me too. So, I did all my best to learn something necessary to communicate tête-à-tête, and I bought dictionary to decide the language problem when it is necessary. Frankly speaking I should say that I was worrying very much about the language and how everything will work. And I went to Odessa to meet him myself. After some hours of speaking to each other we already felt that we could be a nice match. Kristobal is shy and me is very active, so, I helped him to adapt in Ukraine to get the best impressions about my country and me, of course (joke). And he asked me that he cannot see another girls since he saw my photos in the site and he asked if I wanted to be his wife. Of course, I said “yes” eyes to eyes. About a month after we began writing and calling to each other discussing things about our future, he sent me a special letter filled with love and hope too and forms for making documents. Then he came another time in the middle of October and we were busy with our preparing for our wedding. From day to day we saw that our decision was right. We had a wedding according our Ukrainian traditions. During very little time I already studied Spanish with a private teacher and could translate everything they said at the ceremony to Kristobal and what he should do. It was a little funny but he acted like a real gentleman and none could see that he understood nothing. We had a real nice ceremony but we did not want to do the party at the restaurant. It was my wish first and Kristobal agreed with me. We had a small party at home with my relatives. Irina, thank you very much that you left all your things and came to my wedding ceremony. I consider you as the best friend. I believed that our love is now a reality. I will always remember that day with my white beautiful dress, flowers, Valz of Mendelson and my loved man who became the most important person in my life. So, that is my story about HIM and how he came to my house to see me and hold me in his arms and get to know me that I am the only one and especial person in his life. The days passed quickly after our wedding which happened on the 20th of October, 2006, like the wink of an eye. He returned to his country and already in a month and a half I went to him. I believed God sent Kristobal to me. It was the first marriage for us both. Irina, I am so happy and I am so grateful that you brought us together. You are great! His parents, relatives and sisters love me very much. I took his traditions and taught them our’s too. Kristobal showed me his country and we had a great time already as a happy couple. But life is life. I went to school to study Spanish better. I did not imagine my life without working though his relatives think that it is not necessary for me to go to work but Kristobal was not against it. So, after finishing courses Kristobal helped me to find a job at nice hotels on the Reception (I did the same in my country). So, our life goes well. We work both and we do not quarrel about this or that. I send you some photos from Spain. When I am in Kherson I shall call you and visit you. I want to see you again and express my gratitude to you in real.

Irina and Kristobal, Spain
I assume that everything I have experienced with your service shows the highest care in all areas, including the protection of women on this site. I appreciate your care for your clients very much. You guys are great! Your concern and care for your clients are leagues above the rest. Once again, I hope you realize how wonderful a thing you and your lovely wife do for people. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for you. Thank you very much.

Joe. US
"If 10 months ago somebody had told me I would meet someone as wonderful as you and who I want to share everything with, I would have thought they were crazy" – these were the words my husband Jason told in his wedding speech, and since we are real soul mates with him, I can tell absolutely the same. It’s unbelievable how life can change for such a short period and give us the most amazing unexpected surprises. His profile was active only for two weeks, he answered only to me and now we are sure that our guardian angels were watching us and brought us together. We didn’t expect any good from this adventure. I simply liked his sincere words and kind blue eyes and he liked my profile and smile. After long letters we realized we need more time and space to talk about everything we wanted, and smiled every time recalling each written word, waiting for another letter impatiently. I would never think I could trust somebody so much. During our second meeting in Kiev he proposed me to marry, which was a shock, truly saying, so we made a deal that I’d give my answer in October, when we had to celebrate my birthday together. In a week after Kiev, when communicating with his friends on skype, they noted that if we’d planned our wedding it should be done until winter. That’s when I realized I wouldn’t be able to wait until the next warm season to be together with Jason for once and for all. We got married on the 9 October, and I thank God, agency and modern technologies every day, lol, for the gift of our love and letting us meet each other on the distance of 2000 miles.

Jason and Yuliya.UK
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Citas en Línea con Bellas Mujeres Rusas
Conocer Hermosas Chicas Ucranianas que Buscan el Amor

Charming Girl from Belarus - Irina from Grodno, Belarus

MyPartnerForever es un sitio de citas en línea que ofrece los servicios de calidad para ayudar a los hombres de cualquier región del mundo a conocerse con las mujeres solteras de Bielorrusia, Letonia, Moldavia, Rusia y Ucrania. Las mujeres buscan en nuestro sitio al compañero de la vida en el extranjero, que quiere crear las relaciones serias, tener una familia. Es porque ellas no pueden encontrarlo en su país. Una Mujer rusa o ucraniana típica es orgullosa, no sólo está en búsqueda de un marido rico sino que quiere a un hombre bueno, honrado, que la va a querer, a respetar y a ser un líder bueno para su familia. Es cierto que no vaya a salir de su país con un hombre que no tiene trabajo. De otra parte, usted no tiene que ser millonario para conquistar su corazón.

No es secreto que haya muchos estafadores en el negocio de matrimonios. Por desgracia, siempre habrá gente que hace sus negocios de una manera irregular, sin distinción de las consecuencias para los demás. Es bien conocido el hecho de que en Rusia y en los países de la ex Unión Soviética hay cerca de 10 millones de mujeres más que los hombres. Muchos hombres en estos países son bebedores, y esto no es lo que las mujeres rusas buscan para su futuro.

Las mujeres rusas son bien educadas y dirigidas a la familia. Eso es lo que se vuelve más difícil para encontrar en los países del Occidente donde la mayoría de las mujeres está tan apasionada por su carrera que queda muy poco tiempo para llevar la vida familiar. Y esto, en particular, explica por qué hay tanta gente en los países del Occidente que está interesada en la búsqueda de una esposa rusa. Al mismo tiempo las mujeres rusas saben que muchos hombres del Occidente están orientados a la familia, y esto también explica por qué ellas están interesadas en la búsqueda del marido al extranjero.

Sobre las Citas con las Mujeres Rusas
Que Debe y no Debe Hacer un Hombre

En muchos sentidos las citas con las mujeres rusas son muy similares a las con cualquier mujer. Hay principios universales que se debe respetar para aumentar sus chances a encontrar a una buena esposa. Primero: sea caballero, sea bueno y siempre respetuoso. Segundo: sea sí mismo, no aproveche las historias imaginadas para causar impresión, y más tarde, a engañar a la mujer. No hable demasiado sobre su carro, lancha, etc., sería mejor que se concentre en lo que es. Al mismo tiempo preste más atención a qué ella habla, y muestre el interés por quién es ella, qué le gusta en los hombres, qué le gusta en las relaciones, etc. Como resultado el encuentro mostrará si ustedes se congenian o no.

Si usted y su ex esposa no están en buena inteligencia, o al fin y al cabo siguen siendo buenos amigos, por lo general no es una buena idea a hablar sobre este tema durante el pimer encuentro. Al mismo tiempo no le pregunte a ella sobre sus relaciones pasadas. Lo importante es que ustedes ambos son solteros y quieren encontrar al compañero de la vida. Más tarde usted tendrá más tiempo para hablar sobre las relaciones pasadas. Concéntrese en el presente y en el futuro: qué usted espera del compañero de la vida, qué papel usted va a interpretar en las relaciones, y pregunte a ella de cuáles son sus puntos de vista que se refieren a estas cuestiones.

Bellas Mujeres Rusas

Un aspecto del que siempre se debe recordar es que usted y la mujer rusa son la gente de diferentes países, con diferentes culturas y mentalidades. Claro que esto se pone de manifiesto, pero por algunas razones se deja en el tintero con frecuencia. Es muy importante recordarlo, pues en caso contrario puede haber muchas interpretaciones e incompresiones erróneas. Aún es más cierto si sus conocimientos de la lengua inglesa no son perfectos, o si usted tiene dejillo fuerte. En realidad usted debe ser paciente y no tener escrúpulos en decir que ella repita si usted siente que no entiende el sentido de lo que ella le dice. Del mismo modo dé a entender a ella que no se preocupe por pedir que se repita.

Sobre los besos y la intimidad. Sin duda ésta no es una buena idea para el primer encuentro. Aún más, puede tener las consecuencias negativas. Las mujeres rusas, como regla, tienen las maneras tradicionales de ver las cosas que se refieren a este tema. Incluso si usted siente que su cita con la mujer rusa va bien, entonces sería mejor a esperar un tanto por lo menos hasta la tercera cita. Aproveche su tiempo precioso para la discusión de las cuestiones importantes y las vías de su futura vida, y usted está en camino a ser dueño de la esposa rusa encantadora.



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